
Spring Has Finally Arrived – Drive With Caution

Spring Drive With CautionSpring has finally arrived and that means everyone is excited to be outside!  We want to remind you to drive with caution this spring.

Drive With Caution

Whether you’re traveling for spring break or driving to work, remember that spring means kids are outside playing, people are outside walking and riding bike, motorcyclists are riding, and our favorite, farmers are planting.

Slow Down

Take the extra time this spring to slow down, not only in your car, but in your life.  Enjoy all the sights, sounds, and smells spring has to offer.  Have a great spring!

2015 Planting Prep

The snow has melted, the grass is starting to turn green and farm equipment across the midwest is slowly starting to roll out of hibernation. Spring is here and that means planting season is just around the corner! Are you prepared?

Recently I had the opportunity to contribute to this article “Four Areas to Consider in 2015 Planting Prep” by WaterStreet Solutions. I felt it was important to share this information with you. Below are some key points from the article including a link to the full article.

What will it take to prepare for a successful 2015 planting season?

In my opinion, mindset is very important going into a crop year – it greatly influences success or failure. It will be important to approach the 2015 growing season with discipline, patience and strong belief in the crops potential, despite challenging farm economics.

These are four primary components to preparing for the new planting and growing season:

  1. PlanningPlant 15 Prep
  2. Agronomics
  3. Patience
  4. Execution


  • Anticipate the emotion that happens during planting season
  • Create revenue by increasing production
  • Mentally walk through your planting and growing season
  • Review “what-if” scenarios


Check that all inputs are ready by going through a series of questions. Please review the list of seed, trait packages, fertilizer, weed, production and yield questions in the full version of the article.


Be patient and consider the soil conditions before you start preparing the ground. Remember: By the time you’ve finished planting you’ve already dictated 75% of the yield potential of your crop! That’s how important soil conditions are during planting. In the full article I’ve included a few questions to ask yourself to determine if the soil is optimal for field work to begin.


  • Use the previous three factors to execute when the time is right
  • Preparation promotes a smooth season in the field
  • Keep your eyes on the ultimate goal – being the lowest cost per bushel producer

Prepare For a Successful 2015 Season

Make sure you do your pre-planting prep work and take time to prepare your mind for the challenges and opportunities that a new growing season presents. Start by reading the entire pre-planting prep article from WaterStreet Solutions and answering the questions provided. The team at Corn Capital Innovations would be happy to guide you through the pre-planting preparation process, please contact us for more information.

Read Full Article – “Four Areas to Consider in 2015 Planting Prep”

How do you prepare for the planting and growing season? Please share your tips in the comments below.

We Are Going Back In Time

No, I am not talking about daylight savings…but how this year’s planting will be bringing us “back in time”.

Normally, or maybe I should say in recent years, the soil temperatures would be close to 50 degrees by this time of year.  However, we are faced with soil being only in the low 40’s right now.

Due to this odd weather we will be planting like they used to “back in time”.  Think back to your Grandfather and Dad, back when farmers did not plant until mid-May, because that was the ‘norm’ and they weren’t worried about it either!  They also would set a goal to be done with the field work by Thanksgiving!

I think we will all be working with a new “old” schedule this year.  Don’t fret about it either, we might be planting like “back in time” however, we are all running with modern day equipment, so it will get done.

So don’t rush Mother Nature this year and have the patience to wait until the soil conditions are right for planting!

Remember the Top 5 Factors to Producing a Top Notch Crop This Spring

Spring is here and I am sure you are all already to roll.  Remember the top 5 factors to producing a top notch crop?

  1. Soil conditions at planting.  Be sure that soil temps are above 55 degrees and moisture levels are adequate.  Soil conditions at planting are the most important factors when growing a top notch crop.
  2. Seed Placement.  Consistent seed to soil contact along with correct depth placement is critical for identical emerging.
  3. Seed quality.  Do you know the actual germination of the varieties you  have chosen this year?
  4. Right variety in the right field.  As you finish up your spring preparation,  be sure you follow the crop plan.
  5. Post planting management.  Be sure to be proactive;  with agronomic decisions such as herbicide, insecticide and fungicide applications throughout the year.  Do not be reactive!

Questions on how to implement these factors?  Leave a comment below or contact us today!

Have a safe planting season!

Production: Farming, Crop and Bushels Per Acre

What is Production The dictionary says:

1. The act or process of producing.

2. Something produced; product. 3. The total number of products; output,

1 = Farming   2= Crop   3= Bushels per Acre

Farmers are probably the most unique businessmen there are.  They need to understand more than the average corporate business person.  They need to comprehend the science of seed and soil.  They need to be accountants, purchasers, mechanics and welders.  They have to be a weather forecaster, and depending on their farm operation, may also have to be nutritionists and a veterinarian.  With all that said, they still need to “farm”.  A farmer needs to protect and nurture their crop from planting to harvest.

I remember hearing “the farmer only works two months out of the year: May & October” which is absolutely not the case!  It is all that can be done in between those seasons that will help to maximize bushels per acre and revenue per acre.  Starting with the right seed for your soil conditions is only the beginning. As you know, you can’t control Mother Nature.  How you handle what she gives us is the one thing you can control!

The weather will determine how you will nurture your crop.  A great example is feeding a diabetic; they do best when fed small meals all day long.  The same idea applies with farming; nurture your crop by applying multiple applications of fertilizer and routinely apply fungicides in combination with other pesticides.  Farmers who follow this philosophy will reap the benefit of higher yields as the plants will be healthier all season long.

What factors are keeping you from consistently producing maximum bushels?

Check the ones you already have in place:

__A 3 year goal and plan to reach higher yields

__Control over my production and yield strategy

__The right people in place to help me reach my goals

__Completed cropping plans prior to harvest each year

__Confidence in which seed and technologies to purchase

__Expertise in the latest agronomic practices to achieve my goals

__ Proficiency in advanced tillage practices

98% of Corn Capital Innovations growers raise yields to new levels and significantly lower their per unit production costs!  The 2% that don’t do this, do not follow our program.

Other factors to consider include protecting your investment with Crop Insurance, increasing profitability with Grain Marketing and generating revenue using Financial Management.

Contact us to help you increase your production as you nurture your field this growing season!


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