Spring is here and I am sure you are all already to roll. Remember the top 5 factors to producing a top notch crop?
- Soil conditions at planting. Be sure that soil temps are above 55 degrees and moisture levels are adequate. Soil conditions at planting are the most important factors when growing a top notch crop.
- Seed Placement. Consistent seed to soil contact along with correct depth placement is critical for identical emerging.
- Seed quality. Do you know the actual germination of the varieties you have chosen this year?
- Right variety in the right field. As you finish up your spring preparation, be sure you follow the crop plan.
- Post planting management. Be sure to be proactive; with agronomic decisions such as herbicide, insecticide and fungicide applications throughout the year. Do not be reactive!
Questions on how to implement these factors? Leave a comment below or contact us today!
Have a safe planting season!