continuing education

Introducing Our 2016 Ag Scholarship Recipients

The AgVenture Pinnacle Team is proud to introduce this amazing group of future leaders in their fields of study.  We’re excited to support these rural area youth as they work toward achieving their education and career goals.

Meet our 2016 scholarship recipients!

 $1,000 “A Great Hand in Farming” Ag Scholarship

Hunter EvensonHunter Evenson - Ag Scholarship

 Olivia, MN

College: Southeast Tech
Sioux Falls, SD

Major: HUAC
(Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning)

Career Goal: Hunter plans to graduate college and find a job in his field of study.

Connection to Agriculture: Hunter is an active member of the FFA and believes it played a big part in making him who he is today. He explains, “FFA has been meaningful to me because it taught me that there are so many more aspects to life than I see in my day-to-day life, to respect others and to always be thankful for what I have.”

$500 “A Great Hand in Farming” Ag Scholarship

Autumn Kay UlmerAutumn - Ag Scholarship

 Fullerton, ND

College: University of Jamestown

Major: Nursing

Career Goal: After graduating from the University of Jamestown with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, Autumn plans on starting her career. Her goal is to provide the best possible care to her patients.

Connection to Agriculture: 4-H is just one of the many activities that Autumn participates in, she is also a Sunday School Teacher. She’s proud to be raised in a rural area. “Agriculture is everything to me and my family. I can thank the farming world for everything I own and my morals.”

$2,000 Andy McNamara Scholarship

Austin TersteegAustin - Ag Scholarship

Olivia, MN

College Plans: Iowa State University

Major: Ag Business/Commodity Marketing

Career Goal: Austin plans to take advantage of the hundreds of available internships offered by Iowa State University before returning to Olivia, Minnesota area to start his own business.

Connection to Agriculture: Austin is an active member of FFA and the St Mary’s Parish, he sites both as playing a large part in his personal and career development. He explains how he’s been greatly influenced by agriculture and why he plans on returning to the area, ” I have been given the opportunity to grow up on a farm, raise cattle, bale hay, work in the field and be a part of FFA. This is all possible through our strong ag community, as well as my family.”

$1,000 Andy McNamara Scholarship

Kayla - Ag ScholarshipKayla Kutzke

Hometown: Lake Lillian, MN

College: South Dakota State University

Major: Agriculture Education/Precision Agriculture

Career Goals: Kalya plans to to use her degree to obtain a job as a high school ag teacher in an existing ag education program and later move on to start an ag education and FFA program in an inner-city or rural private school.

Connection to Agriculture: Kayla is a very active member of the FFA, 4H and local/state fair programs. She is an honor student and is also active in many other organizations. Kayla says that FFA is the most important organizations she’s been a part of and has had many accomplishments. She tells us about one of the many special things she’s been a part of, “Over the past two years, I have been a part of the CHS Miracle Birthing Center at the Minnesota State Fair, where I was able to share my agriculture story with the public.”

Congrats & Best Wishes

Congratulations to Hunter, Autumn, Austin and Kayla. We wish you all the best in your bright future.

AgVenture Pinnacle Team is passionate about helping rural graduates in advancing their education and developing their future careers!  Please continue to visit for 2017 scholarship information.

Now Accepting Applications for 2016 Ag Scholarships

Here at AgVenture Pinnacle of Olivia, we are excited to contribute to the youth in rural areas who are inspired to seek opportunities in agriculture. We feel agriculture surrounds us all in some way either directly or indirectly and we want to help individuals to become successful in their agricultural goals.

We are offering a variety of scholarships in 2016. We encourage all qualified applicants to apply.  Best of luck to all future ag students!

“A Great Hand in Farming” Ag Scholarship

Christopher McRell - 2015 Scholarship Recipients

Meet 2015 Scholarship Recipients (Click Photo)

There will be awards of (1) $1000.00 Scholarship and (1) $500.00 Scholarship to be used at the college of the applicants choice. (Scholarship awarded and paid directly to the school of choice after the completion of the first semester.)


  • Member/Participant in FFA and/or 4-H
  • Passion for Agriculture and/or Rural Communities
  • Desire to further your education
  • Ability to develop leadership skills
  • Available to High School Seniors in the followings counties In Minnesota: Brown, Chippewa, Kandiyohi, McLeod, Meeker, Redwood, Renville, Sibley, Swift, and the following counties in North Dakota: LaMoure, Dickey
  • Provide a transcript of first semester grades to AVP

Application Deadline: April 30th, 2016

“A Great Hand in Farming” Ag Scholarship Application (Word Doc)

Visit AVP Events & Scholarship Page

Andy McNamara Memorial Scholarship

This Scholarship is in memory of Andrew “Andy” McNamara, a Renville County farm boy who had the desire to be involved in production agriculture. He thoroughly enjoyed the outdoors and was concerned for the environment. Andy is missed by all those who knew his real passions.

There will be awards of (1) $2000.00 Scholarship and (1) $1000.00 Scholarship to be used at the college of the applicants choice. (Scholarship awarded and paid directly to the school of choice after the completion of the first semester.)


  • Member/Participant in BOLD School FFA
  • Passion for Agriculture and/or Rural Communities
  • Desire to further your education
  • Ability to develop leadership skills
  • Available to BOLD School Seniors
  • Provide a transcript of first semester grades to AVP

Application Deadline: April 30th, 2016

Andrew McNamara Memorial Scholarship Application (Word Doc)
Visit AVP Events & Scholarships Page

4-H Scholarship

This scholarship will be awarded to 4-H members or alumni who will be entering their freshman year of college. This is a one-time, $1,000 scholarship to be used toward education expenses at a post-secondary institution in the United States. Applicants must intend to pursue a degree in agriculture, with a preference for students pursuing a degree in agronomy, soil science, horticulture, plant science, ag economics, agribusiness or closely related field.

Application Deadline: April 15, 2016

CCI Innovation in Agriculture Scholarship Overview (PDF)

2016 4-H Scholarship Application (Available after Feb 5, 2016)

Farming in an Industry of Doing 1,000 Things 1% Better

Life tends to be a road of continuing education.  Farming is the same way.

Farming is not an industry of doing one thing a thousand percent better.  It’s an industry of doing a thousand things one percent better.

That’s where we come in.  We understand that farmers work with very tight profit margins……there’s little room for error.  We help you implement improvements in each area of your operation.  When those improvements are done together….it improves your bottom line.

Educational Hub

Key to Success in Farming


Corn Capital Innovations is an educational hub for producers to be constantly challenged and informed on how to break yield barriers each and every year.  Learn more about Corn Capital Innovations and how we can help develop a continuing education program for your farm.  It’s the key to success in farming!

Check us out on Facebook or contact our team – give us a call at (320) 523-2252.  We’re Corn Capital Innovations of Olivia….a great hand in farming.