crop plan

Don’t Let Coffee Shop Talk Play a Factor in Your Crop Production Plan

Did you let coffee shop talk play a factor in your crop production plan….or did you have a good crop plan in place ready to deal with adversity?

Benefits of a Cropping Plan

Cropping PlanWe know, as well as you do, that the year is filled with obstacles.  Those who have a crop plan in place are prepared to limit the effect of those obstacles.

A crop plan establishes a set of goals to prepare you for obstacles that might arise by setting up a risk management plan that will keep the focus on maximizing your production and farm profitability. If there’s anything MN weather teaches us…..a good crop plan must include risk management.

At Corn Capital Innovations, we help you look at what this year has taught us as agriculture producers…..and what we need to change to create more opportunity for you in the coming year.  When you team with CCI, you will have the confidence to take responsibility for the outcome of your harvest.

Start Planning Today!

Plan for the next crop season today! Contact Corn Capital Innovations at (320) 523-2252 and take advantage of a great hand in farming. We can help ensure that you have a plan in place.

Learn More About Our Cropping Plans 

Everything That Happens Above Ground Starts Below Ground

What is NEPS and how do you calculate it?

Net Effective Plant Stand (NEPS) is the total plant population minus late emerging plants and poorly spaced plants. The percentage is NEPS divided by total plant population. Typically this measurement is collected when plants are at the 4-8 leaf stage.

Most people look at a plant population once the field is planted; however, we analyze how many of those plants are actually full producing plants. Raising corn is no different than raising hogs. If you have a runt pig, it will always be a runt pig that doesn’t produce to the fullest potential while still using the same amount of resources to do so. Much like runt pigs, delayed emerging corn plants are stealing your profits.

Why is it important for our customers to look at NEPS each year?

Each year at CCI we look at NEPS for every field that a grower plants of our product. This is important for a grower to see and understand how tillage, seed quality, soil conditions, and residue management affect their plant stand of corn. We then use all of this information that has been collected to help growers make changes to their operation and their farming methods to ensure that they are making progress on improving their profitability while improving their skills in the field.

Why are NEPS important for us at CCI to look at?

We use NEPS as a catalyst for change. There are over a 1,000 variables that go into raising a great crop. Most variables are out of our control, but as we often say, the person who controls the most variables that they actually have control over will always out produce their competition. As a company, we can control seed quality, and we do so with very stringent testing of our seed not only at our conditioners, but also once it enters our warehouse. Before a bag of our seed is delivered to a farmer, it has been tested a minimum of 3 times at 3 different labs to ensure that it is the highest quality seed.

Understanding the genetic makeup of the hybrid is key to placing it on the right piece of ground. The right hybrids on the right piece of ground are two factors that can help you take your yield to the next level. Here at Corn Capital Innovations, we pride ourselves in helping production experts as yourself take high quality seed and place it on the right acre in your field.

Remember, everything that happens above ground starts below ground!

What did we see this year in the fields?

The 2014 growing season will be remembered in large part for the challenges that occurred in getting the crop planted in a challenging spring, as well as, the deluge of water that occurred in June. When we conducted our NEPS evaluations this year, here is what we saw:

  • Soil Conditions at planting time are the #1 dictator of yield
  • High full producing ear counts (best stands we have seen in the last 3 years)
  • Significant differences on vertical tillage versus field cultivators
  • Vertical tillage had a 2-3,000 full producing plants per acre advantage
  • The field cultivator smear layer kept the soil anaerobic longer than vertical tillage tools thus the plants suffered more seedling diseases as well as prohibited root development

Check out these pictures of what we were seeing in the field!

In agriculture, growing smarter begins with collecting knowledge from hands on experience and our agronomists can work with you to get the latest technology that’s right for your unique growing challenges.

So now is the time to start planning for 2015, contact Corn Capital Innovations today to get a crop plan in place or update your current plan for the coming year!

The Body Achieves What the Mind Believes

BodyAchieve-MindBelieves“The Body Achieves What the Mind Believes.” This inspirational quote has been said by many and repeated by even more.  As we enter the first week of May with most of the corn-belt in a state where conditions are not favorable to start planting. I wonder what emotions are running through growers minds? Are they positive and proactive or negative and detractive?

Now is when we must keep a positive attitude and do everything we can to maximize revenue and yield!  Here are a few proactive questions to ask yourself:

  • Is my crop plan supporting maximum yields, regardless of the calendar date?
    As we are at the middle of May the pressure that many of you are feeling to get your corn crop in the ground continues to grow.  But remember that you are on your own schedule, not your neighbors.  Do not let the “coffee shop” talk play a factor in your crop production plan.  The later we get in the year the more important your decisions are.  That means that your mistakes are magnified, not reduced.  Planting conditions must trump all decisions before you head into that field.  Not the date on the calendar or what neighbor Joe is doing.
  • Am I prepared to execute this plan quicker than normal, given a later Spring?
    This time of year is “prediction time” where everyone is predicting when these cool temperatures will finally be gone.  We’re trying to predict when we will begin to see equipment moving throughout the fields along with predicting moisture need for this upcoming growing season.
  • What are the obstacles I need to overcome to follow the crop plan?
    Obstacles are simply what a person sees when they take their eyes off the goal.  How do you avoid obstacles in farming each year?  Do you stump them by setting goals and having a plan in place to meet them?
    One of the best ways to set goals and to be prepared for those obstacles is to set up a
    Risk Management Plan that will keep the focus on maximizing your production and farm profitability.
  • Is my circle of influence positive and enthusiastic about helping me accomplish my goals, or are they detractors that are limiting me from a successful plan?

Remember in order to do something; you have to first believe you can do it.  The mind is a powerful influencer in how we react to adversity, and can make the biggest difference in achieving our goals.

We would like to be in your circle of influencers.  Call us today at (320) 523-2252 to see how we can help.

Have a safe and successful planting season.