We are excited to share this information in our local area! If you have a senior or know of one that plans to attend college for an agricultural related, four year program, please share this information with them.
Water Street Solutions is offering three AFA National Leader and Academic Scholarships to students from the following states: Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio and South Dakota. Students eligible to receive the Water Street Solutions scholarships include graduating high school seniors that meet the criteria above and current college students who are majoring in agriculture related, four year degree programs.
Agriculture Future of America provides support to future leaders in agriculture from across the country through the AFA Leader and Academic Scholarship program. Scholarships seek to identify young leaders in the agriculture and food industry to enter AFA’s leader development program and receive an academic scholarship to support their academic education.
Applications are now open and are being accepted through March 14, 2014.