Office Coordinator

Farewell & Best Wishes to Tammy Park

This week we bid farewell to a dedicated, long-time employee, active community member and most of all a wonderful friend…Tammy Park. Tammy has a big smile that can light up a room and a great sense of humor. She came to work every day with a positive attitude and the highest level of professionalism. Tammy will be greatly missed by our entire team and our customers.

A Message From Tammy

“Time flies when you’re having fun!! I can’t believe it has been 17 years since we moved to the area. We took a huge leap of faith and it paid off. We were able to work and raise our family in a great farming community, and make many lifelong friends along the way! Even though it will be hard to leave, we are looking forward to being back in South Dakota with our families. It has been a pleasure getting to know and work with all of you over the last 4 years. I can tell you that you are working with a great team at AgVenture Pinnacle/Corn Capital Innovations that truly care about you and your business! I wish you all the best and remember, it isn’t the farm that makes the farmer, it’s the hard work and character!”

Trip Down Memory Lane

Don’t worry we won’t let Tammy leave without embarrassing her a little bit! Here’s a trip down memory lane with a few photos…starting with her farewell party with our employees. Some are a bit more professional and some are down right silly. Enjoy!

We’ve worked hard to make sure that our team and customers and well taken care of. We’re excited to welcome Allison Larsen as our new Office Coordinator.

We’d love for you to help us send Tammy off to South Dakota with a bunch of well wishes. Feel free to leave a comment below.

Meet Our New Office Coordinator – Allison Larsen

Have you ever met a long time farm girl who’s blind to tractor colors? Meet Allison Larsen our new Office Coordinator. Her moto is…”As long as it runs great, I don’t care what color it is!”

Born & Raised a Farm Girl

Allison LarsenAllison came from a long line of farmers and grew up on a local farm. She was a 2001 graduate at Renville County West High School. She remembers, “My sibling and I used to take lunch out to the field to my dad. We would race out to him bareback on our horses. Flying across the open fields was the best times ever. I also love calving season.”

In 2003, she married her husband Dustin and in 2004 they brought her grandparent’s farm. They grow corns and soybeans and do some haying on their farm. They also raise beef cattle and have horses, goats, chickens, dog and cats.

Allison is Farm Tough

Allison enjoys spending time with her family, she has three children (Kylee 10, Garet 7, and Raegin 3). She also loves hunting, fishing and trail riding. She says proudly, “I can sit still and last longer in a tree stand during slug deer season than most guys I know and I can bait my own fishing hook!” Yep, that’s pretty awesome!

Stop By & Meet Allison

We are excited to welcome Allison Larsen to our team. Allison loves anything to do with farming and is excited to work with farmers at AgVenture Pinnacle. Stop by our office in Olivia and say “hi”!

Allison is currently “learning the ropes” from our long time Office Coordinator Tammy Park who’s last day in the office will be on April 28th, 2016. Don’t worry, we’re giving her an epic send off. Watch for a farewell blog post soon! Please contact us if you have any additional questions.