Every November, we reflect back on what we are thankful for. It is easier to get caught up in the things that did not go right throughout the year then what did go right. Agriculture is a profession that many feel fortunate to work in, and can find many things to be thankful for.
Whether it was the June hail storms or the August wind storms that rolled through our territory it was gut wrenching to see a great looking crop get shredded by hail and wind. It was here that growers where thankful for the risk management plan they had in place to manage such an event.
“Having the proper MPCI, hail and green snap coverage allowed growers to continue to move forward realizing 2012 may not have been a bin busting year, however, with these tools in place, your financial situation will be left intact and able to prepare for 2013 with a very optimistic outlook.” Says Alyssa Hammerschmidt , Crop Insurance Specialist.
No matter what your crop produced, growers with Corn Capital Innovations witnessed the power of integrating the four components of profitability together and they understand they can only control a minute number of the thousands of variables the crop is faced with each year.
“Our clients that had a production plan, risk management plan, and marketing plan all realized that the variability of Mother Nature could only impact their operation so much. These plans brought comfort and thankfulness that they were proactive instead of reactive after weather events.” Says Joel Mathiowetz, Director of Grower Development.
The team at Corn Capital Innovations is Thankful for all our clients. Whether you worked with us on production, risk management, or grain marketing we enjoyed the journey we took in 2012 and are very excited for the plans we have in place for 2013.
For more of the latest information on how the Corn Capital Innovations team is a Great Hand in Farming, Click Here to contact us.