Crop Scouting

Bird’s Eye View of Harvest From the CCI Drone

Back in October, I was flying high after purchasing a drone for use at Corn Capital Innovations. Just like a kid on Christmas, I was excited to play with my new toy! But our drone is much more than just something shiny to fly around, it serves two important purposes to our business.

  1. It’s a great tool for use during our agronomy work.
  2. It’s another set of eyes for us to see what is going on in our customer’s fields.

View of Harvest Using the CCI Drone

Watch this video of our drone in action during the 2014 corn harvest.

Benefits of Drone Farming

Interest in using drones in agriculture is growing. Here are some benefits of using a drone for farm operations.

  • Having a bird’s eye view of your fields is the Drone Farmingquickest way to see and interpret if you need to take action in your production strategies.”
  • Using drones for crop surveillance can drastically increase farm crop yields while minimizing the cost of walking the fields or airplane fly-over filming.
  • Checking on your plants’ progress and determining if they need more attention is quicker and easier using a drone.
  • Using a drone effectively can save you time and money.

Potential Drone Uses

The use of drones in agriculture is still in its early stages. Here are some promising future uses for drones on your farm.

  • Crop Scouting
  • Precision Spraying
  • Disease Monitoring
  • Livestock Tracking

Additional Resources

Please take a few minutes to read these additional resourses and further educate yourself about the use of drones for agriculture.

Contact Corn Capital Innovations

Let our experienced team help you determine if you need to take action in your production strategies using cutting edge technology like drones. Please contact us at (320) 523-2252!

Have you considered using a drone in your operation? Do you have any questions we could answer about the use of drones?